The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Alligators and Puppy Dogs

My husband is not naturally romantic. Usually, if he says or does something romantic, it's because the guys around him have been so romantic lately that he feels guilty, so he does something. Works for me.

In July, we were able to steal a rare half hour for a romantic walk along the bluff in our town. It was romantic because it was slow. It was slow because he was on crutches. I told him later that I really enjoyed our walk and that I wished he were on crutches more. We had a bit of a conversation about it, and I sighed, "Ah, I married an alligator."

I then explained to him that when a woman calls Dr. Laura Schlessinger (please, no hate mail. I'm sure you have your reasons) to complain about something her hubby does or doesn't do, Dr. Laura often tells her, "When you marry an alligator, you can't cuddle him like a puppy dog."

My husband said, "You know, deep down there is a puppy dog." "Really?" I asked, hope welling up in my soul.

"Sure, I ate him for lunch."

Smart aleck. I have to say his sense of humor is a puppy dog trait - most of the time.

Two questions today: If alligator is the part of your husband you would like to change and puppy dog is the part you are completely happy with, what percentage of your husband is each?

Now, here's the one where you have to be honest: If alligator is the part of you that your husband would probably want to change and puppy dog is the part he's completely happy with, what percentage of you is each?

I would have to say that my husband is probably 80% puppy dog, and the 20% alligator is not teeth. It's more like that rough tail. It belts me in the leg every once in a while, but most of the time I can live with it.

I'm probably about 60% puppy dog and 40% alligator. I know there are things about me he would change, but he doesn't complain about them.


  • At 1:01 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Hi! I found your blog through Bearsie-boo. I like the idea of praising your husband :) Not many women do that any more. I'm sure I'm more lax that I should be. But I love my husband more than anything - he's given me 3 wonderful kiddos and makes me laugh.

    So, I guess he'd be about 60% puppy dog, 40% alligator - yes, sometimes he has teeth, but I allow that from time to time. Those days when things could have gone better is when the alligator shows up. For me, I'd say probably about the same. He might disagree, but, then again, he loves to argue with me :) He would have been great on a debate team!!!

  • At 4:00 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    My husband is 99.9 percent puppy dog! But even a puppy dog will bear his teeth in certain situations. The .1 percent alligator - well gosh, does such a small percentage even count? Me on the other hand, I am about 65 percent alligator lately and only 45 percent puppy dog. I've got things that are getting under my skin and it makes me bristle which means there is very little puppy-dog lovliness to me. Fortunately, we alligators don't HAVE to be alligators forever. Maybe I'll evolve (gosh, hope my hubby doesn't read this. his alligator percentage will show up about the word "evolve.")

  • At 9:07 PM, Blogger Harleys said…

    Bear - if he reads this, remind him micro-evolution is part of creation and is a good thing. It's macro-evolution that's the bad one. :)


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