The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Laughter - the best medicine

We've all heard that laughter is good for your health. It relieves stress and blah blah blah. I don't remember it all. My husband and I had a few good laughs this week.

The first was when my youngest son - age 5 - decided we needed some enterainment. As we sat on the couch, he started dancing and doing his whaling captain routine. A ham to be sure. I know you had to be there, but we were in stitches. He went on for probably a half hour. I can just imagine what a disaster we are creating with this kid. He is so funny. I just keep thinking I hope it's still funny in a few years.

The second time was when my husband and I fell in the shower. Yes, both of us. Of course, it was his fault. Yes, he will kill me for telling you. He turned on the cold water as he was getting out, and when I backed away from it, I slipped and knocked him over, in turn knocking me over. It hurt, but it was funny. I'm still laughing as I type this. The part we can praise the Lord for is that he didn't re-injure his knee.

So, maybe this one was a little personal, but I had to share it with someone and he won't let me tell any of my friends here.

I think laughter is important in our marriage. If we go too long stuck in drudge of life, I really start to miss those times of hilarity. Question: What is a "little" thing that is important in your marriage? Have you done it recently, or do you need to bring it back?


  • At 1:39 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    The shower story sounds like something that would happen to me & my husband, but I would probably have ended up in the hospital! Accidents are always worse when it involves me, for some strange reason!!! And the reason for the slip on your part? Yep, that would have been the same story for husband loves to torment me :) Of course, I always remind him that paybacks are hell, and that he should remember that I wash the clothes & fix dinner around here...

    Funny story :)

  • At 6:25 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    I agree with you Debbi about laughter being important in a marriage. My husband and I laugh a lot and have similar senses of humor (thank God!). I've learned to really appreciate this quality between us because my sister and her husband have such differing senses of humor that they hardly ever laugh together. I don't think I could bear that since having fun is quite important to me. But it works for them. I also had too many boyfriends that thought sexual innuendos were funny. I found them distasteful yet they would continue to try with the same vulgarity to make me laugh. What a breath of fresh air when I met my husband! But you know me, Debbi. Everytime I do something silly (air headed) that makes us laugh he says to me in a sympathetic voice, "Your my wife." (Smiling, of course).


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