The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

My Man's Sense of Style

My husband has several things in his closet that I really like to see him wear. Cowboy boots, certain ties, shirts, and jeans. Some of his stuff is much sexier on him than on the hanger :).

I think the boots were one of my favorite items he wore. I don't know why - just something sexy about a suit and boots. I actually wanted him to wear them for our wedding, but he wore dress shoes. I do love that he checks with me every week about what tie to wear. I like knowing that my opinion matters. And I like picking out the ones he doesn't necessarily care for, but he really looks nice in.

But my absolute fave thing he wears is his wedding ring. This is a big deal for me because when we first got married, he wasn't allowed to. His boss told him it was too dangerous, and he needed to leave it at home. It's true. He's a carpenter and there is a chance that his ring could someday get caught in a saw. But when he started his own business, one of the first things he did was start wearing his ring to work. He said, "I'm the boss now, and I say I can wear it." Sheesh! Did I say the other day that he's not very romantic?

But what my husband may not know, and I will probably tell him, is that his wearing that ring is one of the things that reminds me to pray for him throughout the day. Because of the danger involved, when I see my wedding ring, I often pray for his safety - not only for his finger, but when walking on the trusses, when running the saws or if I know he's especially tired.

So, is there anything in your day that reminds you of your husband? Or do you just think about him all the time? Has he ever told you that there is something in his day that reminds him of you? If these questions are too personal, you don't have to answer. :) How about this one: what is your favorite item of his clothing?


  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Ok, this one is too good to not comment on...what reminds me of my hubby? My kiddos - I know that sounds goofy, but it's totally true. Every time I see my kids, or their handy work, it reminds me of the love that my hubby & I have for each other. That's what brought them into this world in the first place! And, yes, I think about him all of the time because even though we are business owners, we have 1 client that he does work for that is very abussive and I hate that! I hate that he has to go there every week and put up with such an awful working environment and that they continually take for granted all of the time he spends dealing with their business systems. I too pray for him, but more for his mental sanity; I also pray that we will soon be able to tell this company goodbye because God will have provided another avenue of income for us! We talk via ICQ all the time - every day he's gone - so that we can remind each other that we love the other and can't wait to be together again! And, you know, he doesn't wear his ring because it doesn't fit anymore (hmmm), but he's never really liked having a ring in the first place because he said it was uncomfortable. But, when it did fit, he wore it all the time just because he knew that it was important to me. That's romantic :) I love my hubby!

  • At 8:51 AM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    I have to agree with Jennifer - it's my kids that remind me of my husband. Without my husband, my kids wouldn't exist. Since my kids are with me all the time, I think of him all the time. I pray for him often. But when I ask him, "what are you thinking?" it's always a new theory, a new book, or a new approach to an old concept. He's a scientist - what more can I expect . . . I'm always hoping for something about me. He wonders if his hyperbaric theory would cure all my ailments and give me superpowers!

  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    My favorite thing for him to wear? 360 degree - yummy!


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