The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Great Day

I try to always end my letters and e-mails to friends with "Have a Great Day." I have no idea what would be a great day for most of them. But here is an example of a great day for me.

I sleep in a little, then make breakfast with my kids and we watch cartoons for a while. Then, my boss' daughter calls and asks if mine can come over to play. I drop her off and pick up a pay check. After kidnapping my husband from work, I take him and the boys out to lunch. Then, Hunny decides to take the boys to work with him the rest of the day. Hmmm - what to do with myself. I do my grocery shopping - by myself, getting what I need and not a bunch of other stuff. Then I stop at a few specialty shops to browse. You know these shops - when three kids walk in, the person behind the counter has a heart attack. After wandering around those to my heart's content, I spend an hour visiting with a friend. Then, I return home and put my groceries away. Very soon, my men arrive home and I make them dinner. They settle in to watch a movie, and I spend the evening blogging and getting ready for potluck at church tomorrow. Aaah! Someday, I will have a great day like that.

Oh, wait. I just did.

Hope yours was great, too.

What made it great?


  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger jb said…

    Hmmm, what made this a great day? We adopted a cat yesterday, so my three daughters are in heaven-on-earth playing with her. She's getting along quite peacefully with our dog! It's very cold outside but nice and warm inside. Reading through Leviticus and being blessed by the Lord always. Karate class tonight, a great workout, and my husband is waiting for me upstairs. A great day. Must go now!


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