The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Friday, October 28, 2005

About Me

I have noticed some other bloggers have posts "100 Things About Me." I think you are supposed to do it on a certain day of the week, but I'm doing it today. And I'm not doing 100 things today. And please notice it doesn't say "interesting things." So, here we go.

1. I grew up in the same house my dad did, and my kids spent much of their first years in that house.

2. I have several "moms." My real mother was very good about letting me learn A LOT from others.

3. I grew up in a Christian home, but didn't get saved until I was in college.

4. I have known my bestest friend for 24 years.

5. I had a whole bunch of facts about myself ready for this until I started typing - now I can't remember them.

6. My first car was a Subaru Justy - someday I want to own a Mercury Cougar - preferably one from the 60's or 70's.

7. My first job was at McDonald's. It's the only job I've had that I didn't like.

8. My second job was a photography studio.

9. My aunt was a foreman at one of my jobs. I loved it when people badmouthed her, then I 'd tell them I was her niece.

10. The first thing I noticed about my husband was his butt.

11. Our first date was with my brother and his best friend. To this day, I call it a double date, and they get angry.

12. Then best part about my Christmas since I was about eight has been the Christmas Eve party. For the last four years I have hosted them.

13. Since moving to Alaska, I do absolutely nothing on Christmas day. It's wonderful.

14. Autumn is my favorite season.

15. I once visited Maine and spent a whole week looking for a moose. Now, I see moose almost every day.

16. I am no longer terrified of moose.

17. I am the only person in my family who doesn't like Alaska's weather patterns. My kids love the snow.

18. I would love to lose forty-five pounds, but not bad enough to work for it.

19. I love Wal-mart. The nearest one right now is three hours away.

20. I am raising a little me. She is proud to be "Little Debbi." It scares the heck outta me.

21. I am also raising a little Hubby. He is more of a ham than Hubby, though.

22. I like to cook. I like to experiment with food.

23. I may have broken my tailbone once, but we never went to the hospital to find out.

24. I wear socks around the house most of the time.

25. I love pink.


  • At 7:25 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    Ok, I didn't know about #3. I'd like to hear the story when you get a chance.

    #4 - who's your bestest friend? (I know I'm just best - well, one of them, I hope).

    #15 - that's makes me laugh.

    #25 - I would've never guessed you to be a pink lover. That's totally me!

    I can't wait to read the next 25 of 100 things about you. Let's go! Hurry Up!

  • At 12:09 PM, Blogger Harleys said…

    Actually, Bearsie - you are the bestest. You and Natalie are the only ones who have stuck it out all these years. No one else can put up with me, I guess. :)


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