The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Weight Just a Minute

My husband lost ten pounds. I hate him!!! AAARGH!!

Before you yell at me, let me tell you about my husband's and my battle with weight. When we got married, I was happy with my weight. He was a little on the thin side - would have liked to gain about ten pounds. Not a problem.

Three babies and a lot of cheese danishes later, he had gained about four pounds and I had gained sixty. . . . . . . . . (Taking a minute to count to ten here) I don't get it, we both ate the cheese danishes.

Well - FINALLY - in 2004, we took a vacation. He gained twenty pounds in three weeks. I was thrilled!! I finally had a pudgy husband. With that and reaching a few of my own goals, I weighed less than him - until last week.

He got on the scale and started laughing. I knew I didn't want to hear it, but I asked anyway. "I lost ten pounds," he announced. "What do you mean? How?" I asked (accused). " I don't know - it's just gone." IT'S JUST GONE!!??!!?!?!?!?

How does ten pounds just disappear? He has been eating the same things - cookies, soda pop, sandwiches, huge dinners. And he lost ten pounds. So, he says - "Maybe you should come to work with me." But I did - I worked with him three days last week - and I gained five pounds.

So, there it is. He lost ten pounds. Secretly, I'm happy because I'm proud that I'm married to a great bod - I mean, guy. But I wish it were so easy for me to look that great for him. So, I'm off to my treadmill and weights - again. Wish me luck!!


  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Ok - so you're back! Glad to see you picked a non-threatening subject to discuss :) My hubby & I weigh almost the same, always have. When I've gained, he's gained, etc. When we married, I was thin - he was a pencil! He looks much better now that he's 'filled out' a bit - he's up to a 33 waist from the 29's he wore for about 12 years! However, I cannot say the same for myself! I look - well, fat! After 3 kids and almost 11 years of eating out, I look fat, he looks - better!!! Tell me exactly how that works!?!?

    I remember my mom telling a story of a time when I was little and she decided to join one of those weight management programs that you pay for every week, which shall remain nameless. Anyway, she was very careful to weigh everything she ate, counting calories, etc. She cooked the exact same thing for my dad so that he'd loose a few pounds too. After about a month, she'd gained 5 pounds, he'd lost 20! The kicker was that not only was he eating the meals she so carefully prepared for his lunch, he was eating another full meal of take-out at the same time! Needless to say, they never divorced, but neither did they ever go on a weight loss regime together again!

  • At 5:20 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    I think this is close to a universal phenomenon. My husband and I went on the South Beach Diet together last year. He wanted to lose about fifteen pounds; I wanted to lose about twenty. So we do Phase 1, which is intended to cleanse your body of carb addictions and ease you into a healthier way of eating. I got so excited when I lost about four pounds that first two weeks.

    My husband? He was DONE at the end of Phase 1. Grrrr!

    A year later, I'm still trying to get to that elusive goal weight. If he gains a few pounds, he just cuts out soda for a few days and they disappear!

    I feel your pain!!!

  • At 6:09 AM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    You're gonna hate me . . . I've weighed approximately the same FOREVER! When I get a few pounds over, I lose my appetite. When I get a few pounds under, my appetite rages! It has never mattered to me what I eat although my mom instilled good eating habits.

    At any rate, after two children I now weigh more than I ever have in my life and there doesn't seem to be any way to lose it in sight. I've never had to lose weight (my problem has always been how to put weight on and no, I do not have an eating disorder!) so I have no clue how to even begin now. There Debbi, that explains why I was no help to you - I've never had to do it before.

    I now only weigh twelve pounds more than my normal weight. It is probably more healthy for me but it isn't toned and it's driving me crazy. My husband? In college he could put it on and take it off as he pleased. Now that I cook for him, he seems to keep getting bigger and bigger little by little. He's been keeping his old pants around for three years now saying always that he'll be able to fit into them again soon. He's only added inches and put himself further away from those pants than ever. So I guess I can't relate. I don't have the exact problem you've described. But still, weight is the issue here and we all seem to have issues with it.

    Here's to shifting our weight this year.


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