The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Our Anniversary

I arrived at our desk this morning and noticed that our anniversary is circled on the calendar. This was a bit of a surprise because my husband doesn't remember it unless I mention it. Then I remembered that his dad called yesterday to wish us a happy anniversary. So, Tuesday is circled, with little spiky things around it - like a sunshine.

I have to admit I have kind of set my husband up this year. Every year, by this time, I have been asking him for at least two weeks what we are going to do. This has been for two reasons. If he forgot, I'd be devastated, and I usually have to take care of the details - babysitter, etc. - and I don't want to have to do it at the last minute.

But this year has been rough. At my lowest point, I came to the conclusion that there is nothing to celebrate on our anniversary (yes, I'm a bit of a drama queen). I'm tired and I want him to love me enough to take care of our anniversary for a change. I want to be taken care of. It is so hard to trust him with this. I have a feeling the kids will be going out to our anniversary dinner with us. I will refuse to go to McDonald's, though.

As I think back, my favorite anniversay was when we went out for dinner, then went to a few antique shops. He bought me two teacups for my collection. It was a great night.

What was your best anniversary? What would be your dream anniversary celebration?

My dream anniversary would be a huge party at one of the local fancy restaurants with all my friends there - honoring us. I think that's a little bit more of the drama queen thing coming out.


  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    You know, I have the same trust issues with my hubby! I usually start mentioned said holiday (my birthday, valentines day, anniversary, christmas) several weeks before so that he's sure to remember - and if he forgets anyway, I'll have grounds to yell, scream or cry as I see fit. He's not much for celebrating things, so therefore it's just not as important to him as it is to me. However, I have to say that when he actually puts his mind to it, he can be very romantic on our bread & water budget. One year, for my birthday, he asked his mother to keep our oldest son (the only child at the time) overnight so that he can do something special for me. When I got home from work, I found a note stating that we would be going to dinner, then having a romantic evening at home. When we returned, he left me sitting in the living room for almost an hour, wondering what was in store for me. When I received the signal, I went to a door marked "Poor Man's Day Spa" (our bedroom door) and entered into a room of scented candles, body oils, and a bubble bath :) It was absolutely perfect because I knew he'd put allot of thought into doing something just for me! I think that's the best celebration we've had - it wasn't an anniversary, but hope that counts :)

  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    I think our first anniversary was taken seriously. The next two are hazy. I'll think more about it and get back to you about which was the best of the three.

    My dream anniversary? Dinner, chick-flick movie, conversation, making love . . . We would go to Red Lobster for dinner, watch a movie like Sweet Home Alabama, talk about what we like and appreciate about each other and some about what we'd like to change about each other along with our kids and what endears them to us and what we need to curb in their behavior, have uninhibited encounters with each other at the Autumn Ridge Cabin we stayed in on our honeymoon in Tennessee, and LOTS OF LAUGHTER.

  • At 8:30 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    I think it's not uncommon for women to put more emphasis on special days than men, although, of course, there are exceptions. I have the same habit you two mentioned--reminding my husband repeatedly in advance of any special days--not just because I would be sad if he forgot, but because eventually he would remember, and he'd beat himself up about it.

    I sometimes have to remind myself of all the little romantic gestures he makes when it's not a special day, all the sweet, unplanned "I love you"s and the just-because phone calls and the diet Cokes and the extra sleep on Saturdays and on and on. I guess, if I had to choose between all of that and the once-a-year days, I'd rather have him forget my!

  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    Oh, I almost forgot! My favorite anniversary was our seventh. We'd just come through a really rocky time in our marriage and in a lot of ways we were starting over at the beginning. We took a weekend trip up North and rewrote our vows, then read them to each other at the end of the Sandpoint pier. It was a wonderful trip, and a new day for us.

  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Hey Debbie! Wanted to be sure to wish you a Happy Anniversary today :) Hope it is all you wished for - and if not, give him some brownie points for at least noting this date on the calendar...


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