The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back Up The Bridal Train

I am so embarassed. We need a reality check at this blog, and I'll gladly give it to you. Ladies, it's confession time.

Yesterday, I went on some errands. I have been doing these same errands every week for a month, trying to get my husband's business affairs in order. It has been truly frustrating, partly because others are dragging their feet, and partly because I have been fighting like heck to not have to deal with his business (It isn't working). Finally, yesterday, I admitted I need to take over the office even though I don't think I know how. That was very depressing.

I came home to a disaster area - dishes aren't done, kids haven't picked up their toys in three days, school work is behind, vacuuming was done last - uhhhh - no idea. As I brought in some groceries, I almost succumbed to tears. I wanted to fold up on the floor for a few hours - maybe suck my thumb :).

I didn't. Instead, after doing a load of dishes and starting some laundry, I set the kids on their school and checked my e-mail. I opened one to find that a certain person loves my blog. I "sound like a super-mom, super-wife." She can tell that "you are at peace and you love every member of your family."

So, here's the truth. I am not nearly as peaceful as I'd like to be. There are days I'd sell all my kids - and days I'd pay someone to take them. As for my husband, many days I could take him or leave him.

Many of these feelings are my faults, not theirs. Most of the time, when my kids drive me nuts, it's because they've picked up my bad habits that drive me nuts. My husband has not changed since I was dating him, so I cannot legitimately complain about him. I knew what he is, and I chose him anyway. And that is why I started this blog - it is an attempt to dwell on the positive and to encourage myself out of the negative. Have I created an unreal world? I'm not living Cinderella's "Happily-ever-after." Is it bad to not blog about the down side? Hmmm.


  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    NO WAY! I meant to compliment you on focusing on the positive. I struggle lately to keep my head above water plus I grew up in a family that is quick to point out the negative and the down-side of things. I know you have your days. That's reality. Thank you for sharing in such a way that it inspires others (me) to make a bigger effort to focus on the positive and the blessings and the original reasons they married their other half in the first place. A reality check is usually good, but keep shining the light on your blog for those who might be stumbling around in the dark. We can at least get a candle lit from your fire. Thanks to you, with our little candle we can see what we've already got a little better.

    I like your writing style. I like your questions. I like that you want to know. It makes us think. It makes us remember. It makes us want to make and keep better memories of today.

    Of course it's NOT bad to NOT blog about the downside! But then again, a post about the down-side every once in a while lets us encourage you too when you need it.

  • At 8:30 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    You know, when I started my blog, I decided that it would mostly be about my adventures in being a stay-at-home mommy. I also planned to use it as a venting avenue because there are just some days that I need to let the whole world know that things aren't 'coming up roses' around here. It's been a wonderful journey and I've made some great friends along the way :)

    I think that your blog is wonderful because it makes me think. And yes, you do sound like the perfect wife & mother most of the time. But, I also know that there are no 'perfect' people in the world, so that leads me to believe that you too have your ups & downs. Whether you choose to write about those things is your business. But, I agree with Bearsie, sometimes letting the world know that you've had a bad day isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes we need the world to know that we need a boost or encouragement or advice. It's ok to not be perfect every now & then :)

  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    Hurray for the "real" people! If God didn't use them, the Bible would be a very different story!

    I find your blog very uplifting and enlightening--it's not just what you have that is inspiring; it's what you're reaching for!

    You always give me food for thought and new eyes for looking at my own life. Write on, ok?


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