The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Safe In The Arms Of Jesus

Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
by Fanny J. Crosby
Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest.
Hark! 'tis the voice of angels, Borne in a song to me,
Over the fields of Glory, Over the jasper sea.
Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care,
Safe from the world's temptations, Sin cannot harm me there.
Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears;
Only a few more trials, Only a few more tears!
Jesus my heart's dear refuge, Jesus has died for me;
Firm on the Rock of Ages, Ever my trust shall be.
Here let me wait with patience, Wait till the night is o'er,
Wait til I see the morning Break on the golden shore.
Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o'er shaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest.


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