The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

My Creative Husband

I know that my husband loves me. Sometimes when he doesn't love me the way I want to be loved, I forget that. So, I try to remember to look for HIS way of loving me.

Hubby is a very creative guy. For instance, he is currently building a 14' by 24' deck which he designed himself. How difficult can it be to design a deck? you ask.
Well, this deck is attached to a house that has tile in the entry way - laid out in a diamond pattern instead of square with the house. There are also a couple other diamond motifs in the house - I can't remember what they are. While he was in the home, talking to the customer about the deck, my husband noticed the diamonds. Hence, he is now building a deck with a huge diamond shape in the middle of it. Customer is loving it.

So, what does that have to do with him loving me? The fact that his creative abilities lend to remodeling a house before we build it. :) The other night, I was looking at a house we are hoping to build next year. He knew that I was trying to rework the kitchen/breakfast area. Suddenly, a piece of paper fell into my lap. On it was an enlarged version of the floor plan I was working with - with the kitchen and breakfast area completely erased - it was a blank area that I could draw in and erase as much as I wanted. Three days later, I'm still playing with my piece of paper :). I've also found the pages that he had to reconfigure and cut out and copy several times to create that single sheet for me. And I know he loves me. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything that would have been a better small gesture.

So, my question: What are subtle ways - maybe that you have to think about - that your husband loves you?


  • At 7:19 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Fri & Sat I work as a Bridal Coordinator, which means very long hours on the weekend! I love to come home after being gone all day to find that the kitchen has been cleaned :) I know, sounds strange, but if he took the time to clean it up after feeding, bathing, playing with, and putting the kiddos to bed all by himself, then I know he knows how much it means to me that he not leave me a full sink of dirty dishes.

  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    My husband has a way of telling me where he's going for the day as he's walking out the door. I'm don't think he's used to being married yet. I can only guess how long he'll be gone. He's a talker and can schmooz with the best of them. Thus, being engrossed in conversation he forgets to call me to say hi, see how I'm doing, or let me know when he'll be home. So I go to bed and try not to worry. I wonder if I'm loved at all. Does he only think of himself in these circumstances? Do I ever cross his mind? And then I'll reach into the freezer for some meat to thaw for dinner and there it will be . . . a little kitty-kat purring it's love for me. I'm a strange woman (so my man says) because I don't like chocolate (or ice-cream for that matter) but I do have a weak spot for the kit kat. He's good with surprises too (not me!) and put that little kitty-kat right where he knew I'd find it and know that he was thinking of me. I'd be saying, "Hey, have you been in the freezer yet? What did you find?" He loves me. He just hasn't broken some bachelor habits yet.


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