The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Romantic Dinner - for five?

Well, I kinda did it. I didn't call my friend to take the kids. But I did call Hunny to see if he was going to be home late. When he didn't call back, I assumed that he would. So, here was the plan. Clean the house, grocery shop, feed kids, start dinner, shower and dress up - I'm ready by 7:30.

All was going well at 5:15 when Hunny called to say he was on his way home. He'd grab a bite to eat, then he was headed to another job. Okay, he'd be home in ten minutes. That'll give me time to get myself under control. I showered quick and put the appetizer in the oven. Dinner wouldn't be ready for him.

When he got home, I had warned the kids not to mention the "Romantic Dinner." I decided to just move on - feed him, not mention the dinner and try again some other time. It didn't work. As we sat on the bench in the entryway talking, he asked what was wrong. He said, "You look like you need to tell me something and you don't know how." I started crying. I didn't mean to, it just happened. I explained to him that I had planned a big dinner for just the two of us, and I felt stupid for thinking that it would work the way I'd hoped.

He's such a dear. He rearranged his schedule, stayed home to spend the evening with me. He showered while I fed the kids, then sent them downstairs to watch movies. We ate our dinner, then watched a movie of our own. It was a peaceful evening - except for the interruptions from hungry and arguing kids. All in all, it was a satifactory occasion.

As for yesterday's depression, I have decided to chalk it up to overanalyzing. So, my advice for today is this quote: "Don't overanalyze your marriage; it's like yanking up a fragile indoor plant every twenty minutes to see how its roots are growing." - The Bill Balance Hip Handbook


  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    My most recent 'date night' with my man was just about 2 weeks ago. We starved ourselves all day, fed the kids an early dinner, bathed them, played with them, then sent them all to bed by 7:30. Ahhh. The house was ours! So, while Michael showered, I threw a couple of TV dinners into the microwave - this idea was suggested by someone that I overheard talking to someone else - no dishes to wash afterward :) Anyway, we sat down at the coffee table in the living room with our dinner of choice, popped in a DVD and did nothing but let our brains turn to jello :) It was a wonderful break for the norm, and best of all, it was free!!!

  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    TRY to have a romantic night when you live with your two wee ones and your two in-laws. I've been crying for two years, Debbi (or at least six months that I know for sure). By the way, I've read five or six books on improving and maintaining a good marriage . . . and someone always recommends another that I haven't read yet! I think it would demonstrate great care and I would feel SO loved if my husband were to read one book and practice what it preached. Not that things are bad, it would just make me feel really deep down loved. Sigh

  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger Katrina said…

    I think "Guess How Much I Love You" is a great marriage enrichment book (and it's the perfect length for most guys' attention spans--about twenty pages. With pictures.)

    I, too, am prone to emotional cloudbursts when my best laid plans don't work out...I think my husband has come to understand that; there's no other explanation for how patient he is!


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