The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Bachelor at Heart

I had to address this one, Bearsie. Not trying to depress you, here, but my hubby still has some bachelor habits, too. What is it with guys?

A few weeks ago, my husband came home with two boxes of a kind of cereal that everyone in the house loves. It's pretty much what I call "Frosted Sugar Bombs" and I won't buy it. He announced, "This is MY cereal. No one else touches it." WHAT!!??!! Yes, I could understand this if everyone in our household had a job, but so far the five-year-old hasn't been able to find anything. So, there they were - two boxes of cereal, and my husband only eats breakfast on weekends. This cereal was going to stare my kids in the face for a long time.

After a few days of them politely asking every day, I finally started letting them eat "Dad's" cereal. And, when they were gone one night, I mentioned to him how aweful it was that he did that. He said, "You have stuff in this house that is only yours." When I challenged him to point out one thing, he couldn't. HAHA - poor guy.

So, how can I write this without turning my blog into a guy bashing blog? How about this? He is also willing to let me have my single gal things, although they aren't habits. The other night, he found me curled on the couch reading a romance novel. I haven't done that in over a year. He encouraged me to stay where I was and not do anything for a while. Just relax as if I didn't have kids. So, I don't think guys realize that being married and having a family isn't a full time job that your done with after a few hours every day. Which means it's a good thing us gals do see it as a 24-7 thing. Otherwise, the kids could be on their own for way too many hours a day. And in all honesty, when they are really needed most guys are willing to pitch in and help. Ah, we complement each other. That's the way God intended it, right?


  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    But the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. (I Cor 11:7b-9)

    I am of the opinion that a woman will sacrifice all for the sake of the man - we're made that way, it's meant to be that way. It might explain why they never really relinquish all their bachelor ways and why your husband couldn't find anything in the house that was just yours. We share every part of ourselves in some way with some one in our family. I think it's an amazing thing to be a woman. We are capable of sooooo much because God created us for sooooo much. We are the glory of our husbands - bachelor ways and all. Yay.

  • At 7:32 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Ok, so I'm not 'privy' to whatever it is you & Bearsie have going on here, but I do have 2 cents to insert...

    My hubby is a great helper around the house. On the other hand, he doesn't do much. I guess what I'm saying is that he helps when I ask (and ask and ask) him to do something - like take out the garbage, vacuum the carpets, wash the dishes, etc. And he does allot to help out with the kids - when it comes to putting them to bed, that is. During the day, if he's home and I'm home, it's generally my 'job' to feed, clothe & keep them quiet for the day. On top of everything else I do...which really irks me when he's not 'working'.

    He spends way too much time in front of his computer for my liking and I've made this very clear to him. But, how do you tell someone that is a 'computer consultant' not to sit in front of his computer all day? Most of his time is spent 'working', but he also spends a fair amount of his time playing games. That bugs me when I'm trying to deal with all 3 kiddos at the same time, fix dinner, or just about anything else that he could be helping me with. His excuse is that he 'needs the break'.

    So, I've started taking my breaks at least every 2-3 weeks - I've started getting my nails done :) Yep, all mine!!!! That hour is mine, mine, mine and he can't have it! I can safely say that I can't think of one thing in this house that is mine, but that one hour every few weeks weeks is definitely MINE! And, if that makes me selfish, then I guess I am.

    I have to agree with both of you on this one, I think it goes both ways when it comes to men & women. I just decided that I had to find something to call my own in order to keep my sanity. I totally agree with Bearsies comments about giving of ourselves because God created us that way, but I don't think we were created to be 'slaves' to our families. I think it's healthy (for the entire family) to get away from everyone & everything every now and then.

  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    Great input Jennifer. I'd like one Saturday a month to do with as I please, go where I want when I want, and take as long as I want. Now if I can just convince my husband that it's necessary. Notice I didn't refer to Proverbs 31. I'm guessing I don't quite have the right interpretation for it because that woman does everything and I just plain do not have the energy to be that kind of woman. But my desire really is toward my husband although there have been times that I've felt unloved and just wanted to go home to my house, my mommy and daddy. Whaa.


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