The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

About Me - Second Installment

Hubby and the kids are watching "I Love Lucy," so I thought I'd come to the computer and try the next twenty-five.

26. I'm not really a red-head.

27. I have the temper of a redhead - who'd have guessed.

28. My favorite drink is a Snickers Mocha Freeze from Java Junction.

29. One of my dreams is to own a Bed and Breakfast. My husband think I should NOT name it "The Loony Binn."

30. My favorite joke is, "What do you get when you cross a pit bull with a chicken? A Pit Bull."

31. I totally bombed my last test in high school. Yes, there is a reason, a very good looking one.

32. In college, I was labelled a left wing liberal for suggesting that if a man's family is starving, he has no right to own a gun worth a few hundred dollars.

33. Despite considering myself a hunter, I have never actually shot anything more alive than a tin can.

34. I have caught a fish.

35. I grew up on a farm and hated it.

36. I can't remember a single hired hand that Dad had on the farm that I didn't have a crush on at some point.

37. I once helped free a sparrow hawk from our milk house. Throwing him into the air was scary, watching him fly was awesome.

38. I love lilacs and apple blossoms.

39. I am actually working on that 45 pounds I mentioned last time.

40. I'm very hungry right now - and I just ate.

41. My birthday is this month - I will be 33.

42. I have been in three weddings in my lifetime - including my own.

43. I have attended more weddings than I can count - including two of former boyfriends.

44. I am writing a novel this month. It's National Novel Writing Month.

45. Most of my writing is loosely based on someone or something real in my life.

46. I don't really like animals, though I wouldn't mind having a nice quiet cat who liked to curl in my lap while I read.

47. My labor with my boys was considerably longer than with my girl.

48. During my first pregnancy, I craved chocolate peanut butter ice cream. Every week, I ate a half gallon on my day off, then I'd be good for the week.

49. After my wedding, my maid of honor, one of the bridesmaids, and a groomsman went to a movie. I really wanted to go, too. (Should I have realized something then?)

50. I'm tired and going to bed.


  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    #31 - who was that very good looking reason???

    #41 - how do you feel about that?

    #42 - let's see here,
    1) My grandma's niece's wedding
    2) My sister's wedding
    3) My cousin Lisa's wedding
    4) My cousin Jenna's wedding
    5) My best friend's wedding (from high school)
    6) My other best friend's wedding (from college)
    7) My wedding!

    Three times a bridesmaid never a bride - I thought that must be true for a long time. And then I got married . . . at 30 yrs old!

    #48 - I craved pears and Taco Bell Nachos (w/cheese). I hate anything tomato! I found that out after I brewed up a butt load of tomato-based soup in the crock pot. That went down the disposal so FAST.

    #50 - I'm always tired and always wish I could go to bed.

    #30 - I'm still working on that one. Maybe tomorrow?

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Harleys said…

    Bearsie - his name was Jeremy. He was home from boot camp working in the hay fields at Mr. Green's. I was in the middle of the test at Mr. Green's kitchen table when he came in - shirtless - and sat down across from me. Totally worth the failing score - and everything that went with it.

  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    41. We are practically the same age! I'll be 33 on my next birthday, too.

    44. I was really close to doing NaNoWriMo this year! I'd never heard of it before, and about a week ago a friend of mine told me about it--it's her second year. It sounds like a crazy, wonderful adventure! I ended up deciding that my plate is too full at present, but I'm going to try to clear my schedule next November and give it a go. What is your novel about this year?

  • At 8:11 AM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    #31 - That explains it! I really couldn't imagine who in our school you would be talking about at the time. I still have dreams about Mr. Green trying to find me so that I can finish my math courses. I totally forget that I was valedictorian - so I DID graduate and no one is looking for me to finish high school. I never felt that Mr. Green was quite suited to teaching "high school" students in particular. Poor Julia and all the times that she and he had strange embarrassing things happen between them - she seeing him in his underwear (what kind of dolt changes right in front of the looker room door anyway!?) and he seeing her extra bra she forgot about fall out of the bottom of her shirt while she was doing jumping jacks in a gym class he was teaching! I still laugh about that one.

    #41 - you didn't say how you feel about that. I'm feeling fine. Since having kids though I feel old and decrepid! I think that next year's "35" is going to be a little difficult. If things go according to plan, I should be having a third child then.

    On another note, it seems that our little circle at least has age in common (early 30's). We all have children and we're all married too. : )

    #30 - It took me a day, but I got it!

  • At 9:50 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    # 41. Well Bearsie, I'm in that same circle - I'll be 33 this month too :) So, when is everyone else's birthday? Mine is the 17th.

    And, just for the record, I'm totally done with having children. My tubes have been cut & sealed off, so unless there's some supernatural intervention, my next child will be a grand child :)

    #43 - I have been to more weddings for friends & family members that I can count. But, since I'm a bridal coordinator by trade, saying that I've attended ALLOT of weddings doesn't even begin to describe it!

    #46 - I love animals, but hubby & I have discovered that even though we're pet lovers, we're really lousy pet owners. We've had 2 dogs since being married, and have given them both away because of our busy life-styles. We also had 2 cats, but they too were given away, but for different reasons. They were huge (28 lbs & 33 lbs) and since I couldn't keep them out of the newly decorated baby's room (our first), I felt a bit anxious about having them around when the baby was born.

    #48 - TexMex as my craving of choice with all 3 of my pregnancies. I've never been much of a sweet eater, so fruit & veggies were also a staple for me :)

    #50 - I'm always tired, so I'm planning a nap this afternoon :)


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