The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Love in Hubby's Language

I recently finished reading "The Five Love Languages." I borrowed it from a friend. Before, I had a concept of what the book was about, having read a lot ABOUT it, but I was thrilled to read it myself.

First, Hubby is angry at me because I read the book in two days. Ha,Ha, apparently he loses weight well and I read well. Poor guy. He tries so hard sometimes to get into certain books. He HATES reading. And I don't use that word lightly.

Anyway, my primary language is physical touch. I love being touched, and touching. The other night, when my husband hadn't remembered something I had told him, I told him as long as he touches me while he doesn't listen to me, I'm okay.

But my husband's primary love language is acts of service. I have been keeping the house cleaner more consistently because I realize he hears "I love you" in a clean house.

The problem is this. One act of service I could do for him would be to lose weight. Another act of service that he really enjoys is baked goods. These two should not belong in the same love language. I don't bake anything without trying it. Aargh! I'm so frustrated.

I have decided to lose some weight for him for Christmas. I don't expect to lose the whole 45 pounds I need to, but I don't think 15 - 20 is unreasonable. We'll see. Anyone know a great holiday diet? HAHA


  • At 6:28 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Good luck at losing any weight at all during the holidays! If you succeed, you'll have to pass along your secret because, in my experience, it's pretty much impossible to take off even a pound during Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years. I did, however, join a gym last week & committed to going twice a week, when 2 of my 3 kiddos are at school. I managed once last week, but this week was a bust - with 3 sick kiddos, and then me being sick on top of it all, it's just been too much. So, I've committed to getting back on the band-wagon next week if everyone is healthy enough to go to the gym's daycare :)

    Good luck and I wish you all the best!

  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger Katrina said…

    That really is an eye-opening book, isn't it? They're so right in saying that we usually try to love others in the same language that makes us feel loved--and then wonder why our message falls on deaf ears! Hah!

    The only "diet" I've ever had any success on is South Beach; I hate feeling deprived and I loved how I was comfortably satisfied and didn't have to count calories as long as I was making healthy choices. Good luck! I feel good just to stay the same weight during the holidays...heheh!

  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    Hey, you've got to gear up for the winter and put on your hybernation pounds - that's why we have these holidays, duh. More seriously, I think you should find another act of service to do over the holidays to say you love him.

    But you really can bake for him to say you love him all the while developing personal discipline - just take "1" bite of what you bake and leave it at that. You tasted it, you know everyone will be happy with it, and that should be enough. The discipline you develop in this habit will spill over to discipline in losing weight. Developing self-control and taking all things in moderation is a good way to say to God, "I love you." Obedience is love.

    I think we should all go the hybernation route : )

  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    I'm with Bearsie...hybernation sounds good to me :) :) :)

  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Hey Debbie, hope all is ok with you. It's been a while since I've seen any comments from you on any of our commonly read blogs, and it's beena while since you wrote this post, I so just thought I'd make sure you were ok!


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