The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Monday, November 07, 2005

On turning 33

Yes, on the 23rd of this month, I will be thirty-three. A commenter on a previous post asked me about how I feel about that. So, here's a few random thoughts about my age.

Since everybody does the whole "I'm still twenty-nine" thing, I'm trying a new approach. I married a man who is nearly four years younger than me. Since we are "one flesh" then "WE" are his age - he is, after all, the head of the home. So, until June, we were 28. In June, we turned 29. Next year, we'll be thirty.

My best friends are all older than me. So, I still feel young.

Someone said that the thirties is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. Well, my body is falling apart, when does my head come together?

My twenty-fourth birthday has actually been the worst so far. It was on that birthday that I realized that I had been doing something that required skill for twenty years. (roller skating) Next year, that will be thiry years. Leave it to me not to be bothered by the big 0's.

The worst part about my thirties so far has been that I know I'm approaching 35 - the year when you really start losing muscle weight. That scares me to death.

The best part about my thirties so far has been my kids. I love being the major influence in their lives. It' s a little frightening, but totally worth it when we get it right.

All in all, I think I feel pretty positive about my age. I hated my teen years, and my twenties were pretty turbulent. I feel myself mellowing out, and it's a good feeling.


  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Ok, so MY twenties were really boring. I was married when I was 22 years old, and hubby & I were total bums. We never went out, unless it was to eat, and were pretty solid couch potatoes. When I started having kids at 27, I decided that I needed to start doing what I'd missed out on - so hubby & I made it a point to go dancing and begin hanging out with our best friends who were also very boring BK (before kids). When I turned 31, I'm not proud of it (really, I'm not), but I had the 21st birthday that I'd missed out on! I was sick for 2 days - need I explain? Anyway, I promised God that I'd never do that again - and so far, haven't :) Now, at almost 33, our best friends are heading to Houstonthis weekend, and hubby & friend will be going to see Stryper - yes, Stryper - in concert this Friday, while his wife (my friend) and I sit at home with the kiddos watching Chick Flicks. On Saturday, we'd considered going out, but since babysitting for 6 is hard to find, we're probably going to stay home and play games - while drinking margaritas, of course :)

    My anthem in my older years is to have as much as I possibly can, while I can, all while not crossing those lines we all know so much about. I still feel young and, after watching Oprah this afternoon, have had an epiphanal moment...I plan to be in a bikini by this summer - and feel proud about it :)

    Who says getting older can't be fun?!?

  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Sorry, but I'm a chronic re-reader...I constantly re-read posts, even mine, and tend to notice things I didn't the first time around. On my last post, I noticed that I left out a key word in the last paragraph - FUN. What I meant to say was "My anthem in my older years is to have as much FUN as I possibly can..." So there. Sometimes re-reading is a good thing because you find the mistakes you made that can make all the difference in what you were trying to say :)

  • At 8:40 AM, Blogger Katrina said…

    I love the thirties!

    Nobody told me I'm going to lose muscle mass at thirty-five, though. I guess that means I'd better go out and get some while I still can!

    I, too, am younger than most of my circle of close friend (thought not by much), and I also have a younger husband (almost exactly two years younger)! Though the age difference never bothers me, I felt a little twinge of satisfaction when he hit his thirties this

    Jennifer--Stryper? Heehee...that's terrific. And you go on with your bikini-clad self! Make it an "itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka-dot" one!

  • At 11:31 AM, Blogger blondé said…

    wow we are the same age and we share the birth date too :)))...and I found your blog browsing around on a slow evening sort of trying to pinpoint how I feel at this point in life ....:)))


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