The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Monday, January 30, 2006


We went to the Peninsula Winter Games this weekend. Hubby met us there for lunch, then took our oldest boy home, while the little ones and I enjoyed a few more activities, then we went home for dinner.

Later in the evening, as we were getting ready to leave for the fireworks, we got a call for a road kill moose. Since we had promised the kids the fireworks, we called someone else on our list to get the moose. But we had to go to the site until they arrived. It ended up that we watched most of the fireworks on the way to them. We were out of the car in time for a few and the finale, then we enjoyed the huge bonfire for a while before we headed home.

The kids complained a little but we were able to teach them that sometimes responsibilities interfere with fun. The important part is that we keep a good attitude. I don't know if they got it, but I did.

With all the other problems we have, I am aware that my husband is responsible. When he says he will be somewhere or do something, he does it. I don't know why I have so much trouble believing that he is capable of doing the same for me. But it is going a little easier for me after my revelation this weekend.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Trusting God

I knew it was going to happen. So, why was I surprised when, in our first month of committing to handle our finances RIGHT, I chipped a tooth and my husband's truck broke? Yes, I mean broke, not broke down. By the time we are done fixing everything and paying for it all, we will be out $3800. The blue book value is only $5000. I about choked.

After reading "Debt-Proofing . . . " Hubby and I have everything set up - our Contingency Fund, our Freedom Fund, our Debt Repayment Plan - all of it. Of course, there isn't actually any money in several parts of it yet - including the truck repair fund.

I think Hubby was a little peeved when I told him how much he could pay the mechanic right now. He wanted at least a thousand more. I told him no. We have other things to consider, and they are going to have to wait for their money - just like everyone else right now.

But the hardest part of this is trusting God. I know that the whole situation has been God saying "This money is not yours. I will provide it and you will spend it for my glory." I have started to trust a bunch of paperwork to get us out of debt and not God.

On the surface, I know He is able, and I know in His time, we will have the financial freedom that we need to truly be honoring to Him with our finances, but patience and trust are not my forte. So, all that knowledge needs to be put into action. Then I will rely on Him, and then I will have peace.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Hubby and I are currently going through a financial makeover. You would think, since we own a business, that we would have handled this area years ago. But we haven't. So here we are into our thirties (okay, he's twenty-nine) and we have nothing. Well, it's not quite that bad. We have each other and the kids - and the dog. But I - and he says he - want the security of a few months' worth of income in the bank. I'd like to quit paying outrageous fees on maxed out credit cards. I don't like living paycheck to paycheck - that's too stressful when you own your own business and don't know exactly when the next paycheck is coming.

So, I just finished reading "Debt-Proof your Marriage" by Mary Hunt. It's good. I am trying to implement what she said. The melancholy in us is saying "we'll see," the choleric in me is saying "I will kill you if you use that debit card for anything other than fuel right now," and I'm not sure what in him keeps whining "But what about you?" I have a feeling we are going to go through another marital fire before this is over.

So, after many months, I have a new question: Do you have financial harmony in your marriage? If so, what do you do to attain that?

Friday, January 13, 2006

There they are - my favorite guys - hee hee.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Perfect Christmas Present

I got a locket for Christmas - a genuine 14 karat, diamond in the middle, I've been asking for eight years for, locket. It is beautiful, and I love it. There was only one downside - I knew I was getting it.

There is this teenager that spends some time with the kids and I - she is great with them, and helps me out sometimes. Well, a few days befire Christmas, she went Chrstmas caroling with us and some others from church. Between houses, she and I were talking about Christmas gifts and I mentioned that Brian had no idea what to get me. She said she had ideas and she mentioned a locket - I told her at some point in the past that I'd like one.

So, the day before Christmas, she was over helping us decorate for the party and she told me that she had discussed my Christmas present with Brian. Of course, she had told him that I wanted a locket. When she told me that, I knew what I was getting. She said no, that he wasn't getting me that, but I knew better.

So, I got my locket. I do love it. I did tell her that if she tells him again what I want for Christmas, not to tell me that she did. It would have been even better as a total surprise.

So, anyway, I had a little fun with it. I went looking for a photo of Hubby to put in it and I came across a photo of our local baseball farm team's mascot. I put that in my locket. HEHE! That was good for a laugh. Now, I have Hubby on one side and "Scoop" on the other. I don't know when I'll take Scoop out.

Huh! I was gonna try to upload a picture of my locket, but something won't let me. Maybe I'll try again later.