The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Trusting God

I knew it was going to happen. So, why was I surprised when, in our first month of committing to handle our finances RIGHT, I chipped a tooth and my husband's truck broke? Yes, I mean broke, not broke down. By the time we are done fixing everything and paying for it all, we will be out $3800. The blue book value is only $5000. I about choked.

After reading "Debt-Proofing . . . " Hubby and I have everything set up - our Contingency Fund, our Freedom Fund, our Debt Repayment Plan - all of it. Of course, there isn't actually any money in several parts of it yet - including the truck repair fund.

I think Hubby was a little peeved when I told him how much he could pay the mechanic right now. He wanted at least a thousand more. I told him no. We have other things to consider, and they are going to have to wait for their money - just like everyone else right now.

But the hardest part of this is trusting God. I know that the whole situation has been God saying "This money is not yours. I will provide it and you will spend it for my glory." I have started to trust a bunch of paperwork to get us out of debt and not God.

On the surface, I know He is able, and I know in His time, we will have the financial freedom that we need to truly be honoring to Him with our finances, but patience and trust are not my forte. So, all that knowledge needs to be put into action. Then I will rely on Him, and then I will have peace.


  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    May God bless you in your efforts to honor Him with your finances. I have to confess that this is my most difficult struggle, too. I want to feel "secure" in the worldly sense, with lots of money in the bank, and I sometimes forget that God is not bound by our limitations.

    I'll be praying that everything works out with the truck and your dental bills. Hold on for a ride!

  • At 6:12 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Hey girl! Did you ever read my Mustard Seed story from this summer? Seems like you did, but maybe not. Anyway, the moral of that story was that with hubby only making $1200/month at that time (our rent payment), and our committment to tithe no matter what (read Malachi 3:10), then a threat to have our utilities turned off, God, in his infinite grace, sent us a random check for $500 - $75 more than what we needed to pay that utility bill - a day before it was due. I was absolutely certain that we were going to have to 'rough it' for a while without power, but God provided.

    Not that my faith is a whole lot stronger (since we have all of $8 in the bank right now and another week until payday!), but I know that God can provide for us if I just rest. Not so easy to do, but very easy to say and think about :)

    Seems like when we make a financial decision to follow God's leading (tithing, saving, spending, etc.) something always comes up to throw the whole plan into a tailspin. But to trust in the knowledge of a loving Savior that cares more for us than the birds is an amazing feeling - if we can just set our cares aside and focus on him!

    I'm praying for you sweetie! Stick to the plan and know that God is able.


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