The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Perfect Christmas Present

I got a locket for Christmas - a genuine 14 karat, diamond in the middle, I've been asking for eight years for, locket. It is beautiful, and I love it. There was only one downside - I knew I was getting it.

There is this teenager that spends some time with the kids and I - she is great with them, and helps me out sometimes. Well, a few days befire Christmas, she went Chrstmas caroling with us and some others from church. Between houses, she and I were talking about Christmas gifts and I mentioned that Brian had no idea what to get me. She said she had ideas and she mentioned a locket - I told her at some point in the past that I'd like one.

So, the day before Christmas, she was over helping us decorate for the party and she told me that she had discussed my Christmas present with Brian. Of course, she had told him that I wanted a locket. When she told me that, I knew what I was getting. She said no, that he wasn't getting me that, but I knew better.

So, I got my locket. I do love it. I did tell her that if she tells him again what I want for Christmas, not to tell me that she did. It would have been even better as a total surprise.

So, anyway, I had a little fun with it. I went looking for a photo of Hubby to put in it and I came across a photo of our local baseball farm team's mascot. I put that in my locket. HEHE! That was good for a laugh. Now, I have Hubby on one side and "Scoop" on the other. I don't know when I'll take Scoop out.

Huh! I was gonna try to upload a picture of my locket, but something won't let me. Maybe I'll try again later.


  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Yea for Hubby :) You have to admit that even when we know what we're getting, the fact that we're getting anything is almost as exciting as having it be a surprise, right?!?

    Not this passed year, but the prior Christmas, I found out at the very last minute that my hubby bought me a Christmas present. The fact that he'd done so shocked me since we don't usually get gifts for each other - lack of money is the usual reason for that. Anyway, it didn't take me long to figure out what it was based on something he said, but I still acted totally surprised when I opened it :) I'm good at faking surprises since I'm really good at guessing things - my sister has that same gift, or maybe it's a curse. Anyway, it was a special edition DVD of Mary Poppins - one of my childhood favorites - but the fact that he caught something I'd said weeks before (like 1 time when I saw a commercial for it on TV) brought a tear to my eye because he was actually listening to me!

  • At 5:27 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    How wonderful and sweet! (And I think "Scoop" should stay--he's a great part of the story.) :)

  • At 9:05 PM, Blogger Rabbity-Sniff said…

    I hate not knowing what I'm getting, can't stand surprises unless there's no possible way that I would be disappointed in the least. I'm a big dreamer and can dream up wonderful surprises. My imagination is hard to beat so I'm usually disappointed and that would be why I don't like surprises. I would have loved to know that he was getting me just what I wanted ahead of time.


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