The Happy Wife

Over the past eight years, I have become aware that my happiness in my marriage is as much dependent on what I do for or with him as it is on what he does for me. Happiness is a choice I make. I would love for my blog to become a place where other wives would come to be an encouragement to each other by reading my blogs and their comments.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

How We Met

I enjoyed the post by Mamalicious so well, that I am going to join her in telling the world how I met my husband. I'll try to post a link to her blog in case you want to read hers, too, but I'm not promising anything. I'm computer challenged.

How we met. Well, I have a photo of my husband in kindergarten with my little brother. And I do remeber him from that time frame. A cute little boy with big, brown eyes and glasses - not quite coke bottle. But, then he moved.

Fast forward fifteen years. I was a single mom, getting my act back together. My newborn son and I were attending the church I had grown up in. One week, a young man was sitting a few pews in front of my sister and I. White shirt, tan pants, and leather braided suspenders. Honestly, the first thing about my husband that I was attracted to was his butt. It's still pretty tight, too.

Anyway, another gal in our church took a liking to him. Poor guy. I can't describe this girl without being unkind, so I won't. But the second thing that attracted me to my husband was how kind he was to her. He was the first guy I had ever known who was patient with her flamboyant advances. He even accepted a Valentine card graciously. Yet to this day, when I say her name he shudders.

Oh, a second girl had taken a shining to him - my sister. He is a good looking guy. So, one Friday evening a bunch of us were getting together at my place and she talked me into inviting him. I left a note on his apartment door. I was a single mom, had no real interest in dating and was more than happy to help my sister hook up with a cute, church-going guy.

Only things didn't go that way. As we got to know him, we discovered that he wasn't the goody-two shoes that we had at first suspected. He actually fit very well into our crowd. So he started spending more and more time with us. And it happened, he started flirting with me. Whoa! Wait! Stop! I talked to my sister. She said she didn't mind if I decided to date him. So, after much consideration, I decided to go for it. Within weeks, he was at my house every evening for dinner and playing with my son as if he were his own.

We got engaged in July - five months after we started dating - and were married in October. My son said "Daddy" before he said "Mommy" and we had our first child together before our first anniversary.

Oh and a few years after we got married, my sister told me that she's glad I'm the one that "got stuck" with him, because she would have killed him. Honestly, I'm glad I got stuck with him, too.

So, there it is. And I'll repeat Mamlicious' question - how did you meet your sweety? By the way, I got a link to her blog, but that's all I could figure out. Sorry.


  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    Awesome story!! I love hearing about how people met their significant others. Nothing beats a love story!!

  • At 11:55 AM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Hmmm...I may have to occupy a blog space to tell my story. It's long, so I can't just comment and skip the details. The fun is in the details, right?!? Sounds like you guys were meant to be together.

    BTW, what did you end up with for your Valentine's Day Gift? Did he get creative? Please no gory R-rated details - the G-rated version will due :)

  • At 1:59 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    Such a great story! Love found you when you weren't even looking for it! Sounds like God had plans for you that you didn't even know about... :)


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